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A hand holding an iPhone X with the Control Center open.

Your iPhone’s Control Center has a handy collection of shortcuts you can always access with a single swipe. You can use it to skip songs, toggle Airplane mode, or record what’s happening on the screen in just a few taps.

iPhone的控制中心提供了方便的快捷键集合,您始终可以通过一次滑动即可访问它们。 您可以使用它跳过几首歌曲,切换飞行模式或在几下水龙头中记录屏幕上正在发生的事情。

如何访问控制中心 (How to Access Control Center)

You use a gesture to access the Control Center, but which gesture you use depends on which device you have. This is because Apple ditched the Home button on its most recent iPhone and iPad models.

您使用手势访问“控制中心”,但是使用哪种手势取决于您拥有的设备。 这是因为Apple在其最新的iPhone和iPad机型上放弃了Home键。

To access Control Center on an iPhone X or newer (without a Home button) or iPad running iOS 12 or later:

要在运行iOS 12或更高版本的iPhone X或更高版本(没有“主页”按钮)或iPad上访问控制中心,请执行以下操作:

  1. Swipe down from the battery indicator in the top-right corner.

  2. To close Control Center, swipe up from the bottom of the screen.

Control Center on iOS.

To access Control Center on an iPhone 8 or earlier (with a Home button) or iPad running iOS 11 or earlier:

要在运行iOS 11或更早版本的iPhone 8或更早版本(带有“主页”按钮)或iPad上访问控制中心,请执行以下操作:

  1. Swipe up from the bottom of the screen.

  2. To close Control Center, press the Home button or tap anywhere in the upper portion of the screen.


如何自定义控制中心 (How to Customize Control Center)

Control Center works best when it’s full of the shortcuts you actually use. You can completely customize the bottom row of icons, and remove or add shortcuts, or change the order in which they appear.

当控制中心充满了您实际使用的快捷方式时,它的工作效果最佳。 您可以完全自定义图标的底行,并删除或添加快捷方式,或更改其显示顺序。

The "Customize" menu in Control Center on iOS.

Follow these steps to customize Control Center:


  1. Head to Settings > Control Center on your iPhone or iPad.

  2. Tap “Customize Controls” to see a list of available shortcuts.

  3. To activate items, drag them from the “More Controls” section to “Include.” Do the opposite to deactivate a shortcut.

    要激活项目,请将其从“更多控件”部分拖到“包含”。 执行相反的操作以停用快捷方式。
  4. You can also drag items to change their order. You can have four shortcuts per line in Control Center.

    您还可以拖动项目以更改其顺序。 在控制中心中,每行可以有四个快捷键。

While you’re customizing, you can use the relevant gesture at any point to display Control Center and see how things look.

自定义时,您可以随时使用相关手势来显示Control Center并查看外观。

长按可在Control Center中执行更多操作 (Do More in Control Center by Long-Pressing)

There’s more to Control Center than first meets the eye. There are hidden submenus you can access with a long-press (tap and hold) on almost any shortcut.

控制中心不仅仅具有令人眼前一亮的功能。 几乎所有快捷方式都可以通过长按(点住)访问隐藏的子菜单。

The Wireless Controls menu in Control Center.

Try long-pressing the wireless controls to see even more options. If you long-press the “Now Playing” area, you can control other devices. Many custom shortcuts also have hidden options you can access with a long-press.

尝试长按无线控件以查看更多选项。 如果长按“正在播放”区域,则可以控制其他设备。 许多自定义快捷方式还具有隐藏的选项,您可以通过长按访问它们。

快速连接到Wi-Fi网络或蓝牙设备 (Quickly Connect to a Wi-Fi Network or Bluetooth Device)

If you long-press the Wireless icon that houses Airplane mode and the Wi-Fi toggles, a new menu appears with six more options.


From here, you can long-press the Wi-Fi or Bluetooth toggles to connect to specific wireless networks or Bluetooth devices. If you need to pair a new Bluetooth device, you have to do so in Settings > Bluetooth.

在这里,您可以长按Wi-Fi或Bluetooth开关以连接到特定的无线网络或Bluetooth设备。 如果需要配对新的蓝牙设备,则必须在“设置”>“蓝牙”中进行配对。

The "Bluetooth" menu in Control Center.

Beneath the list of available networks and known Bluetooth devices, you’ll see a shortcut to go straight to the relevant “Settings” menu.


切换个人热点可发现性 (Toggle Personal Hotspot Discoverability)

Another option you can access when you long-press the Wireless icon is the “Personal Hotspot” toggle.


The "AirDrop" and "Personal Hotspot" icons in Control Center.

This option allows you to with other devices, like laptops and tablets. You see an indicator at the top of the screen whenever a device connects.

此选项使您可以与其他设备(如笔记本电脑和平板电脑)。 每当设备连接时,您都会在屏幕顶部看到一个指示器。

在AirPlay设备上播放媒体 (Play Media on an AirPlay Device)

AirPlay is Apple’s wireless standard for audio and video content. You can . To do so, open Control Center, and then long-press the “Now Playing” media box at the upper right.

AirPlay是Apple的音频和视频内容无线标准。 您可以。 为此,请打开“控制中心”,然后长按右上角的“正在播放”媒体框。

The app that’s currently playing the media should be listed above a progress bar. Tap the small AirPlay icon in the top-right corner and a list of ready-and-waiting AirPlay devices to which you can stream appears.

当前正在播放媒体的应用程序应在进度条上方列出。 点按右上角的小型AirPlay图标,然后会显示可流式播放的已准备就绪的AirPlay设备列表。

AirPlay Devices in Control Center.

将显示器镜像到Apple TV (Mirror Your Display to an Apple TV)

With AirPlay mirroring, you can stream your device’s display to an AirPlay receiver, like Apple TV. Mirroring only works with AirPlay devices that can receive and display video. You can also use mirroring to show your photo library on a big screen.

借助AirPlay镜像,您可以将设备的显示内容流式传输到Apple TV等AirPlay接收器。 镜像仅适用于可以接收和显示视频的AirPlay设备。 您还可以使用镜像在大屏幕上显示照片库。

To start mirroring, open Control Center and tap “Screen Mirroring.” Pick a device and wait while the connection is established. When you use mirroring, assume that everything visible on your device’s screen is also visible on the AirPlay display.

要开始镜像,请打开控制中心,然后点击“屏幕镜像”。 选择一个设备,等待连接建立。 使用镜像时,假定设备屏幕上可见的所有内容在AirPlay显示屏上也可见。

The "Screen Mirroring" menu in Control Center.

To stop mirroring, open Control Center, tap “Screen Mirroring,” and then tap “Stop Screen Mirroring.”


控制HomePod或Apple TV (Control a HomePod or Apple TV)

If you have an Apple TV, , or any other device that integrates with Apple Music, you can control it directly from your iPhone. This is different from streaming media via AirPlay because you control what’s playing on the device directly.

如果您有Apple TV, 或任何其他与Apple Music集成的设备,则可以直接从iPhone对其进行控制。 这与通过AirPlay流媒体不同,因为您可以直接控制设备上正在播放的内容。

To get started, open Control Center and long-press the “Now Playing” screen. Scroll down to reveal any controllable devices. If you don’t see any, make sure they’re plugged in and connected to the same network.

首先,打开控制中心并长按“正在播放”屏幕。 向下滚动以显示所有可控制的设备。 如果看不到任何内容,请确保它们已插入并连接到同一网络。

Apple Media Devices in Control Center.

Tap a device to control it, and then launch the Music app. The name of the output device should be listed in the “Now Playing” section at the bottom of the screen.

点击设备以对其进行控制,然后启动“音乐”应用程序。 输出设备的名称应在屏幕底部的“正在播放”部分中列出。

The "Now Playing" section in the Music app.

To stop controlling a device, or to take control of your iPhone’s media output again, head to Control Center. Long-press “Now Playing,” scroll to the top of the list, and then select your device.

要停止控制设备或再次控制iPhone的媒体输出,请转到控制中心。 长按“正在播放”,滚动到列表顶部,然后选择您的设备。

进行屏幕录像 (Make a Screen Recording)

Prior to Apple’s introduction of , you had to connect your iPhone or iPad to a Mac and record via QuickTime. Thankfully, it’s now much easier to record on your device.

在Apple引入,您必须将iPhone或iPad连接到Mac并通过QuickTime进行录制。 值得庆幸的是,现在可以更轻松地在您的设备上进行记录了。

To do this, you have to enable the Screen Recording shortcut as we described above. Once you’ve done so, simply tap “Screen Recording” to start recording.

为此,您必须启用如上所述的“屏幕录制”快捷方式。 完成此操作后,只需点击“屏幕录制”即可开始录制。

The "Screen Recording" menu.

If you long-press the “Screen Recording” shortcut you might be able to choose Photos (default) or another app (like Facebook Messenger). You can broadcast the screen to compatible apps.

如果长按“屏幕录制”快捷方式,则可以选择“照片”(默认)或其他应用程序(例如Facebook Messenger)。 您可以将屏幕广播到兼容的应用程序。

You can also enable the microphone in this long-press menu (it’s disabled by default). To stop a screen recording or broadcast that’s in progress, tap the red area at the top of the display.

您也可以在此长按菜单中启用麦克风(默认情况下处于禁用状态)。 要停止正在进行的屏幕录制或广播,请点击显示器顶部的红色区域。

在人像模式下锁定屏幕 (Lock the Screen in Portrait Mode)

One of the most useful shortcuts in the Control Center is located to the left of the Do Not Disturb moon. This toggle can lock your screen in Portrait mode, so when you turn your device sideways, the orientation won’t change to Landscape mode—or vice versa.

“控制中心”中最有用的快捷方式之一位于“请勿打扰”月亮的左侧。 此切换开关可以将屏幕锁定为纵向模式,因此,当您向侧面旋转设备时,方向不会更改为横向模式,反之亦然。

The Portrait Mode Lock icon in Control Center.

This is especially useful when you use your phone while lying down. Some people prefer their device to be in Portrait mode all the time (guilty, as charged) because they dislike Landscape mode.

当您躺着使用手机时,此功能特别有用。 有些人更喜欢设备始终处于纵向模式(有罪,收费),因为他们不喜欢横向模式。

创建特定的注释类型 (Create a Specific Note Type)

The is a worthy addition to Control Center. Tap it to launch Notes or long-press it to see a few more options.

是Control Center的重要补充。 点按它以启动Notes或长按以查看更多选项。

The Notes app menu.

From here, you can create a new note or checklist, launch Notes in camera mode to snap a photo, or scan a document directly into a new note.


切换暗模式,夜班或纯音 (Toggle Dark Mode, Night Shift, or True Tone)

You can long-press virtually anything in Control Center. If you long-press the Brightness slider, you get some handy controls to , turn on “Night Shift,” or disable “True Tone.”

您可以在Control Center中长按几乎所有内容。 如果您长按“亮度”滑块,则会获得一些方便的控件来“亮”,打开“夜移”或禁用“真实色调”。

The "Dark Mode," "Night Shift," and "True Tone" icons.

If you’re unfamiliar with these settings, “ limits your exposure to blue light to help you fall asleep. “ automatically matches the white balance of your display to the ambient white balance in your environment.

如果您不熟悉这些设置,“ 将限制您暴露在蓝光下,以帮助您入睡。 “ 自动将显示屏的白平衡与您环境中的环境白平衡相匹配。

调整手电筒亮度 (Adjust Flashlight Brightness)

Is your iPhone’s flashlight dazzlingly bright? You can long-press the Flashlight shortcut to adjust this. Lower values are less jarring in the dark, and also consume less power.

iPhone的手电筒是否耀眼? 您可以长按Flashlight快捷方式进行调整。 较低的值在黑暗中的震动较小,并且功耗也较小。

在特定模式下启动相机 (Launch the Camera in a Specific Mode)

Tap the Camera shortcut to launch the regular photo mode. If you long-press it, though, you can opt to open the camera app as “ready to shoot” in one of the following modes:

点击相机快捷方式以启动常规照片模式。 但是,如果长按它,则可以选择以以下一种模式将相机应用程序打开为“准备拍摄”:

  • Selfie

  • Recording a video

  • Shooting a portrait (on devices with multiple cameras)

  • Shooting a portrait selfie (iPhone X or later)

    拍摄人像自拍(iPhone X或更高版本)

控制智能家居设备 (Control Smart Home Devices)

After you add the Home shortcut, you can tap it to see a list of your favorite HomeKit enabled devices. You can also tap media devices, like HomePods, to start or stop playback, or long-press a device to see more options.

添加Home快捷方式后,可以点击它以查看您最喜欢的启用HomeKit的设备的列表。 您还可以点按HomePods之类的媒体设备以开始或停止播放,或者长按设备以查看更多选项。

Control Favorite HomeKit Devices via Control Center

For HomeKit devices to appear here, you have to mark them as a favorite in the Home app.


其他长按快捷键 (Other Long-Press Shortcuts)

Experiment with your Control Center shortcuts. Long-press them and see what pops up. Some of our favorites include:

试用您的控制中心快捷方式。 长按它们,看看弹出的内容。 我们的一些最爱包括:

  • Quick timer: Long-press the Timer shortcut. Drag your finger up or down to increase or decrease the time and set a quick timer. Tap “Start” to run the timer.

    快速计时器:长按“计时器”快捷方式。 上下拖动手指以增加或减少时间并设置快速计时器。 点击“开始”运行计时器。

  • Pay with a specific credit card: Long-press the Wallet shortcut to choose a specific credit card to use or see your last Apple Pay transaction.

    使用特定的信用卡付款:长按电子钱包快捷方式以选择要使用的特定信用卡,或查看您最近的Apple Pay交易。

  • Copy calculator result: Long-press the Calculator shortcut to view or copy your last calculator result.


长按以打动 (Long-Press to Impress)

Most of these shortcuts are available directly from the iPhone or iPad Home screen, too. Try long-pressing your Settings app, the App Store, or third-party apps, like Facebook, and see what options you get.

这些快捷方式中的大多数也可以直接从iPhone或iPad主屏幕获得。 尝试长按“设置”应用程序,App Store或第三方应用程序(例如Facebook),然后查看可获得的选项。

If you get in the happen of using these functions, they can save you a lot of time!




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